Monday, 11 February 2008

High Intensity Interval Training Works in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

Very interesting and novel article in Physical Therapy.

Although they only investigated 4 subjects, they implemented a high intensity training programme in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). These are the type of patients many Doctors are scared of giving exercise programs.

They found that that this high intensity training lead to improvements in physical capacity and quality of life and had no adverse events. These results are consistent with recent evidence supporting the efficacy of high-intensity interval training in people with CHF.

Indeed 3 of the subjects improved theor aerobic capacity by 17, 25 and 52%, respectively after training. (The fourth subject did not take part in this test due to limitations associated with their pacemaker).

I know this is not my usual type of post but I find it fascinating how much the old myhs of training at a low intensity are being broken down at all levels. What it tells us is the body can very quickly and safely adapt to a training stimulus as long as the intensity is high enough to elicit change.

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